We know that in this pandemic, of course, we have to stay at home. You can't travel anywhere and make a trip with friends. Therefore, if you have nothing to do and you feel bored now. This one activity could be your reference to do. Moreover, it will give you many benefits, of course, such as you get a clean, neat and comfy bedroom also you get your body getting healthy. 


Messy bed is so disgusting and it makes you feel uncomfortable when you lie at your bed or do other activities there, such as reading, studying, or taking a rest after a hectic day. As far as you can see is only dirty, it's not just uncomfortable for body but also for your eyes too. Actually, you just have to follow some easy rather-exhausted steps to make a comfortable and cozy bedroom. Cleaning your room in the right ways is the key. Here are the orders that you should do without missing any parts of them. 


Throwing all kinds of litter that exist in your bedroom is the first step for starting this clean-up steps. No matter what kind of litter they are, you should throw them in trash packs. Before doing this step, you have to prepare two trash packs that will be used to divide all your litter based on still can be used or not. Since sometimes, some stuffs that you consider it is as a litter are pretty useful stuffs with some life hacks or DIY to do.

You have to find all your litter everywhere in all parts of your bedroom even in unreached place like below your below your bed. You can use broom or other long things that can reach the hard-to-reach litter. Therefore, find your litter inside your clothes, because sometimes we take some litter unconsciously in our pocket such as tissue, paper, or small snack wrap.


The second step that you should do is cleaning all your stuffs, bed, and floor from any dust and stain by swiping, sweeping, and moping. These are three ways are the right orders so you should do them orderly. Before swiping your stuffs, prepare some dry cloth wipes and clean water in a bowl. Then clean all your stuffs by swiping them by some of dry cloths. Make sure do it several times until you can't see any dust at your stuffs at all. After that, clean them with wet cloth wipes by make dry cloth wet in the bowl filled with water.

After your cloths are dirty change it with others, neither do it in dry wipe cloths too. After making your stuff clean, now it's time to make your floor clean without any disgusting dust and stain. Sweep all side of your floor by using broom and dust pan. Take the broom in the right hand and dust pan in your left hand or you can make it opposite if you're a left-handed. Doing this technique is important, because you can directly take the dust in the dust pan without take some walks to the trash can. Make sure doing this for several times so the floor is really clean. Then make a mixture of clean water to mop your floor that contains clean water and cleaning liquid with you favourite scent. After that, mop all parts of the floor by dipping your mop tool into the water and mop it by walking backward so the clean floor will not get dirty from your footsteps. 


The last step is re arrange your stuffs in right place and wash your fabric stuffs. Right place means where the place where your stuffs should be. Re arrange them by taking in their own places such book in book shelf and don't forget to not make them pile up because it will look mess. Try to give some spaces for them. Also take your stuffs in a place that you can find them easily because sometimes when we find something hardly, we will make them mess subconsciously. After that, gather all gather your fabric stuffs like curtain, blanket, pillow case doll, mat or even your fabric pencil case. Then wash them and give fragrance liquid. Good smell even your favourite scent can make you more comfortable to spend your time in your bedroom.

Cleaning your messy bedroom in good orders is really helps you to make your cleaning activity become easier. Therefore, at least every week you should sweep and swipe your bedroom. It can prevent the coming of disgusting dust. The fabric stuffs also need cleaning once a week to make others stuffs stay clean. Since, fabric stuffs can easily dirty and other stuffs will get dirty too. The most important thing is cleaning your bedroom frequently and do it by right orders. Those are can really help are can really help you and make your bedroom stay clean.
