Experiencing Culture and Nature Trip: A Day Journey in Lombok Villages

If you want to experience this culture and nature trip, this journey will be a good choice for you to try. The place that I recommend you is Lombok. As we know that Lombok is popular because of its nature like Tangsi beach that has pink sea sand and the most popular place in Lombok which is Gili Trawangan. It seems that something is not right if we don't visit those both places while visiting Lombok. 

Gili Trawangan

However, not only like beach and water destination for nature trip but also village journey that you can try as your other choices. Perhaps, many of you don't know about this village, so now I will show you how great they are and how worth it is be your next trip choice.

So, check this out properly!


Sade Village

Sade Village can be in your list-to-visit place cause of its great vibe and scenery. It's a village that really great to visit in a day because just in one day and one place, you can join many stuffs.

Sade village or it commonly called Sasak Ende because this village is part of Sasak tribe. As we know that Indonesia has many different and unique tribes, this place is included either unique culture or unique stuffs. If you get there, you will see many houses with wooden pillars, woven-bamboo walls and thatched roofs from alang-alang grass . It's since the locals still maintaining the culture that existed there since 600 years ago. You can see how great the 600 years culture. The brown color of the houses can make your instagram feed more grunge aesthetic. Also there is an unique habit that locals always do to house clearance and it perhaps thing that you never thought to do. What is that? Go here if you want to know the answer!

House of Locals in Sade Village

So here, we will explore how the village looks, what the locals do and learning what they do. One of activity that you can do is learning to make a woven fabric

Shopping tripWeave fabric

Weaving is primary activity in Sade village besides farming which do by Sade women. Not only woven the fabric, but they also make thread accessories such as bracelets and necklaces. Seeing the real process of weaving and learning them directly will be a great experience. Do you want to buy the weave fabric? Here can be a good place to buy weave fabric. This trip can be a shopping trip too. How fun it is! By smart make a bid, you can get good price with good quality of woven fabric.


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